Thursday, October 15, 2009

I'll sleep when I'm dead.

WHEWWW!! These last couple of weeks have been a whirlwind of travels and everyday nonsense … this October is the busiest month I’ve had in a loooong time, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I’m travelling for work, I’m travelling for pleasure, and have been lucky enough to be able to combine the two as well. I haven’t had as much time as I would typically like to have for knitting, which for a girl with as big of a to-do list as me would normally be a bad thing … however, I’ve had some very happy changes happen in my personal life, and despite being more than a little exhausted and behind on my knitting and spinning, and can’t seem to wipe this big doofy grin off my face. So I guess it all evens out in the end, doesn’t it?

Last weekend was my (yikes) 10-year high school reunion. It was a great weekend, filled with family time and friend time, and I even squeezed in some knitting time in between. I made great progress on the sweater-that-must-not-have-details-shared … but here’s a fairly nondescript photo snapped while waiting for my flight:
I also had Tina’s socks with me, but they didn’t get worked on much … the glorious fiber content of this project made it way too tempting for the chilly and rainy weather that greeted me in Illinois.

Friday was a day spent with my Dad, doing errands and napping, and Friday night was a way-too-much-fun dinner at Avanti’s with a bunch of friends from high school (and the first time I wore my Owl Sweater!). Don’t you love it when you’re the loud obnoxious table in the middle of the restaurant that couldn’t care less about the people staring? We were that table, and laughed the whole damn time. I wish I had remembered to snap a few pics.

Saturday was brunch with my Aunt Sally and Uncle Dan, along with their daughter Josie and her boyfriend, and my Grandmother. We had a fantastic time (Sal made the best breakfast burritos I’ve ever had) and I got to drive Sal and Dan’s vintage Mustang on the way to pick up Grandma:
Don’t ask me what year it is, or any of those other fancy car questions. All I know is it was a blast driving it (even in 50 degree weather), and it was fun to practice my prom queen wave. Saturday afternoon was my favorite part of the trip. My dad has a couple of friends, Stan and Janetta Bauer, who have an alpaca farm just outside of town called der Bauernhof Farms. We went and visited their cute little shop in the bottom floor of their house.
Janetta and I babbled away at each other for over an hour about spinning and knitting and fiber. She has a glorious selection, and I (only) bought 15oz of this

Beautiful light grey roving with flecks of brown in it from one of their cute little alpacas, Twinkle.
That’s Twinkle in the middle, and the brown comes from her big brown spot. I loved buying roving from a “home grown” kind of place, and was stupidly thrilled to be able to go out back and see the animal that it came from. Saturday night was the reunion, which was fun and good times. Drinks and reminisces were had by all, and there was the obligatory half-drunken bathroom photo:
From left to right, that’s Lesley, Sarah, Megan, me and Alyssa. It was great to see everyone, and we were certainly laughing our asses off in that bathroom. Don’t ask me over what, but it was sure good to see everyone again.

Now, back to real life, and not having enough time to knit properly … October is already half-over, and I’m only halfway through a sweater, and halfway through ONE sock of a pair that need to be done by Christmas. Hoping to get some knitting done in the car this weekend on the way to Dallas (remember when I mentioned those exciting personal life happenings? This weekend is one of them), but I may be catching up on my sleep instead …. What’s more important, dear reader? Knitting or sleeping? This is a tough call ….

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun! Love the car.

    Thanks for your comment, too...sorry if it took me forever to respond, I haven't exactly been a frequent poster lately!
