Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tastiness = Happiness in the Form of Scones

I've had the urge to bake lately. It showed up late one night, right as I was about to fall asleep, and it came to me in the form of a pie. My first thought was blueberry (a sure sign of spring) and played with cherry or apple, but I kept going back to blueberry. Dear doesn't like cherries anyway, and it's not very smart for me to bake a pie that only I would eat when I am less than 90 days from WD (Wedding Day).

It occurred to me the next day that I have never made scones, and they couldn't be THAT hard. I found this recipe that is SO SUPER SIMPLE I thought it would make others happy, too. It's adapted from a cherry scone recipe I found on Weight Watchers' website.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Spray cookie sheet with cooking spray.

Mix 2c flour; 1T baking powder; 1/4T baking soda; 1/4c sugar in bowl. Set aside. Mix 1/4c (1/2 stick) melted butter, 1c reduced fat buttermilk, and 1 egg in another bowl. Take blended wet ingredients and mix them with the dry. Fold in blueberries (or fruit of choice, cut up into smallish bits). Form into 2"-3" mounds and bake for 12-15 minutes.

Mighty tasty, if I do say so myself. These will definitely make another appearance. They took me about 30 minutes, start to finish, so you can even whip these up for an impromptu breakfast/ brunch situation.
In knitting news, I have several projects happening at the moment. The ever-present sock (currently being knit with Crazy Zauberball, so better seen than written about), The Contented Cardi by Hannah Fetig {rav link} and a new neck scarf with a pattern I made up in my head. It's not quite half-done, but I'm looking forward to wearing it this spring:

Knit with Rowan's kidsilk mohair in a pretty pretty blue. I recommend bamboo needles or something that's very very light when you knit with this -- it's thin and I've learned that lighter needles do well with thin yarns.

My mom's visiting this weekend to help me take care of some wedding chores and we're expecting to have a lovely time. Knit happily!

1 comment:

  1. Next time...egg wash the top of the scones so they brown in the oven. Also, you can make it into one giant circle and then score it on the top into triangle shapes, like a pie. When they come out of the oven and are partially cool, you can break them where you scored them.
