Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Oh, You Pretty Things

I think there's a monster that lives under my desk that sucks time out of my day. I know, I know, a crazy theory -- I'm just sayin'.

This past Saturday was WWKiP Day -- World Wide Knit in Public Day for those of you who don't know (which is almost everyone). I went to the Heights Branch of the Houston Public Library to partake in the festivities.
**Before I go any further, I feel this needs more explanation. I'm not making this day up -- this is a for-real day, celebrated the world over by knitters and crocheters. It's pretty simple. People gather together in a public area and (here's the thing) knit in public. It's our little way of making you paranoid that we're trying to take over the Earth with some string and two pointy sticks. The really scary thing? We are.**
There were about 60 other knitters there, all clicking away on blankets, booties, scarves, and socks-a-plenty. There were fantastic door prizes (of which I won none ... and I'm still dreaming of that bag of green variegated merino that was ONE NUMBER off of mine), and good company. It was a bit like a social experiement -- knitters are a group like no other. Sure, we may be a bit socially awkward ... you non-knitters out there can recognize us by the bits of yarn and fluff that is sticking to our clothes, and by the twitchy look we get in our eyes when we're without our latest WIP. But when around other knitters or yarn-crafters in general, we get all excited and talk-y. Questions fly every which way about what you're making, what yarn you're using, the technique, how do you like the wood double points vs. the metal vs. a circular, is that hand-spun or maybe just hand-dyed, the pros and cons of guage swatching ... like I said, we're a group like no other. And that's how it should be.

But now on to other projects ... I've finished several gadget pouches to be sent to Hazel once I get my tags in order. This one is my favorite, because of the ultra-cool monkey charm:

And then something simple, but with another cool thing on the front:

Other projects can be found in the photo gallery on the side bar. I also finished my dad's socks for Father's Day (photo in side bar). But I must confess: this is the first year in several that I have not only known what to get my father for Father's Day, but it's been chosen, finished, wrapped, card bought, ready to go IN ADVANCE. So what do I do? Well, I don't have an envelope to mail it in, so I'll get one from work. It's now been sitting on my kitchen table for four days, and even though I plan to mail it tonight, it will now be late. Go me. Woot woot.